
This product is a add-on for the 28 Day Transformation Kit

Optimize Your Results

Following the Base Kit Plan will get you great results, but we know that some people want to maximize their Weight Loss Challenge outcomes by incorporating other IDLife products. To help you accomplish that goal, and take all of the guesswork out of the equation, we have designed the Weight Loss Challenge Kit.


By adding the IDLife Appetite Control Chews, Hydrate and Sleep products to your Base Kit, you now have the perfect combination of nutritional support for your weight loss goals. To make the decision to choose the Weight Loss Challenge Kit a little easier, we’ve even discounted the price!


Benefits of the Challenge Products


Did you know that lack of sleep is a leading cause of overeating and weight gain? You see, insufficient sleep impacts your hunger and fullness hormones, including two called ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin signals your brain that it’s time to eat, while Leptin cues your brain to put down the knife and fork. When you’re sleep-deprived, your body makes more ghrelin and less leptin.


The result is that you eat more and more often. So, while the old adage may be “you need to sleep more to lose weight,” the supporting facts are that lack of sleep slows the metabolism, increases hunger and contributes to weight gain. IDLife Sleep combines the perfect combination of active ingredients to help you fall asleep fast, put you into a deep sleep and allow you to get the restorative sleep necessary to repair and rejuvenate your body.



Estimates are that 75% of Americans have mild, chronic dehydration. When you consider that the hypothalamus, the area of the brain responsible for hunger and thirst notification, sends the same signal for both conditions, there is little doubt why mild dehydration is one of the most common causes of daytime fatigue and weight gain.


Proper hydration is required for maintaining healthy blood flow, proper kidney function, proper sodium/potassium /electrolyte balance and proper digestive functions. IDLife Hydrate delivers a carefully designed formula of vital electrolytes, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins to support cardiovascular health and to provide nutrition for the body’s muscular and nervous systems. Hydrate is a key component in the IDTransformation Challenges.


appetite control chewsAppetite Control Chews

With over 75% of Americans eating a snack daily and the average daily snack reaching an unbelievable 580 calories, you need an option that satisfies your hunger pang, but won’t sabotage your weight management goals.


The IDLife Appetite Control Chew provides an easy, cost-effective way for you to meet your needs and stay on track with your Challenge program.