Slim+ Trial Pack


This trial pack includes two Slim+ sticks and a bonus Sleep strip. These samples are wrapped in a sleeve full of helpful information, including the benefits of both Slim+ and Sleep, as well as a competitive comparison chart. All of this will be shipped to you at no charge!**



More details about the products inside:

Slim+ is a delicious formula designed to help you manage weight, control your hunger and curb those unwanted sugar cravings while providing focus and energy to power through your day. The unique Sleep Strips help bring your body into balance so you can enjoy restful, restorative, deep sleep.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease

**Shipping is free for the Slim+ Trial Pack if it’s ordered by itself, in any quantity. If it’s paired with other items, regular shipping rates apply. Use coupon code “free-ship” at checkout to redeem coupon.

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