As we near the close of yet another season of football, that foaming alcoholic beverage we know as beer will undoubtedly be flowing.  Filling the body with empty calories and making the liver go into overtime.

An interesting question was asked concerning drinking beer and losing weight. The question was from a former Navy Radioman who has developed quite a gut since retiring, and was curious about whether he should give up his beer to lose weight?

Not only does the gentleman enjoy drinking about 2-4 beers daily, he also no longer exercises. Moderate beer consumption has been suggested as being healthy, so I wanted to define “moderate” as well as educate on the basics of caloric intake and caloric expenditure.

The radioman is not suffering from what is commonly referred to as a beer belly but an INACTIVITY BELLY! Yes, it’s possible to still drink beer and be very fit.

Over 90 million Americans enjoy drinking beer! Drinking moderately has been proven by many doctors, as well as the New England Journal of Medicine, to be a healthy component of longevity. In fact, moderate consumption of alcohol, including beer, has been proven to reduce the effects of high cholesterol, heart disease, some forms of cancer and even impotence.

Anything done in excess is naturally unhealthy this includes eating and alcohol consumption.  While it might have been ok when we were in our 20’s to binge drink and wake up on someones couch you don’t know, as we age our metabolism slows down and that sort of activity is harsh on our liver.

“Moderation” is defined by most doctors as 1-2 beers a day. And NO, you cannot save up through the week and catch up on the weekend drinking 10-12 beers in one evening. That is NOT considered moderation. There is even a US Beer Drinking Team that links beer enthusiasts and promotes moderation, responsibility, and healthy living.

The average can of beer has over 100 calories. Drinking one beer is equivalent to eating a chocolate chip cookie. Drinking four is equal to eating a Big Mac Hamburger (I would take the beer over a Big Mac). In order to lose weight, you have to burn off these extra calories as well as the other calories that you ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Even the lightest of beers have the empty calories of alcohol, which is the cause of poor health if done in excess and without a regular exercise routine. Unfortunately, too many Americans live under one of the worst stereotypes placed on a human being – the BEER BELLY, or as I call it, the inactivity belly.

The “inactivity” belly is caused by excess calories in your diet AND lack of activity to burn the extra calories. For men that’s typically where the excess fat is stored first, then it shows up in the face around the neck and jaw line.

The solution to lose your “beer belly” is as simple as calories in must be less than calories out (or expended through exercise).

Calories IN < Calories Out (burned) = Weight Loss

If you can add exercise into your schedule for 20-30 minutes a day, your daily consumption of alcohol (1-2 beers) will not have any additional impact on your gut. However, to lose your “beer belly”, you REALLY have to watch your food and beverage intake, drink plenty of water a day, and schedule daily exercise into your world.

I’m Very Busy What’s My Alternative?

If you travel frequently for work or business or simply have a busy life, you can also lose weight by implementing supplements.  Even with supplements I still suggest some type of activity even if it’s walking around the block a few times just to get your body moving and your heart rate up.

There is no reason why you cannot have a flat stomach (possibly a six pack) and still drink a six pack a week. Once again, excessive beer drinking is not recommended by anyone in the health industry.

If you simply enjoy drinking beer and are serious about your health, moderation in drinking alcohol and eating foods low in calories, combined with daily exercise is the key to reaching your goals.

Want A Better Solution to Counting EVERY Calorie?

At Homemade Men we like to provide useful and easy to implement resources, so we want to give you free access to the Perfect Plate Pak,. This pak includes everything you’ll need to craft the perfect meal and control your calorie intake without the cumbersome task of counting every single calorie you consume.

Utilizing these guides will help you feel better, lose weight, and not to mention save money along the way.

The first guide is all about calorie control. You’ll discover how to manage calories utilizing something that’s with you all the time, your hand. Understanding calorie control is pointless if you don’t know what ingredients to use. This is where the second guide comes in, the 5 Steps to Create the Perfect Meal. You’ll discover what ingredients to use and how to prepare them in an easy to follow format.

Next, you’ll learn How to Master Meal Prep, eating healthy consistently is easily achieved when you plan and prepare your meals ahead of time. It takes the guesswork out of eating and you know what’s in the food your eating (versus eating out frequently).

We hear what you’re saying, “But I don’t always have time to prepare an elaborate meal.” That’s ok, we’ve got you covered with the Super Shake Guide. In this guide you’ll learn how to make a nutrient-filled meal replacement shake, it can be whipped together in 5 minutes and consumed on the go.

The best part is you can be on your way to revamping your eating pattern absolutely FREE. You get instant access to the guides when you click the button below. We recommend that you download and print these guides so you can have them handy when you need them.


Finally! An Easy Way to Craft A Nutritious Meal - Without the Dreadful Task of Counting Calories

In addition to the Portion Control Guide, You'll Also Get FREE Access to:

  • chevron-circle-right
    The Perfect Meal Guide - You'll discover 5 simple steps to building a healthy plate utilizing common ingredients.
  • chevron-circle-right
    Master Meal Prep Guide - You'll learn how to prepare your meals ahead of time to remove the guesswork and save yourself some money.
  • chevron-circle-right
    Super Shake Guide - Short on time? In this guide you'll discover how to prepare a nutrient packed smoothie that can replace a meal.

Do you think it’s possible to drink beer and lose weight?. Leave your comments below.

To Losing the Beer Belly!

Phillip Brent

Phillip Brent

Facebook: Connect With Me


“I Teach You the Systems, Mindset, and Strategies to Live A More Healthy and Fulfilled Life!
